
How to Install Magento Manually on Dedicated Server?

If your web hosting provider offers the Site software tool in the cPanel, then you can go for Automatic Installation of Magento using cPanel. Else, you may proceed with the following easy steps to install magento manually on your dedicated server hosting.

Following are the steps for installing magento manually of your dedicated server:

  • Go to Magento official website and download the latest version in Zip format:
  • With your cPanel >> File Manager or using your choice of FTP client upload the zip file and unzip it. You can upload the zip file either in the public_html folder or create a new folder under the main directory ex: public_html/magento, where you will get an access URL like . Once it is unzipped, make sure to change the files permissions to 755.
  • Now, its time to create a MySQL database and associate a user to it, which can be done through your cPanel >> MySQL Databases. Note down the database details as you will require it when installing the script.
  • In this tutorial, the installation of magento will be done in the subfolder “Magento” which is created under the main directory. Now open this URL in your browser:
  • Agree the “terms and conditions” by checking the box and proceed with the installation by clicking on the Continue button.
  • Select your choice of Locale, Time Zone and Currency and click on the Continue button.
  • Now the next step is to configure the magento, here you will need the created database details (database name, user name and user password). Keep the other options intact.
  • Check the box which says “Skip Base URL validation before next step“. Proceed further by clicking on the Continue button.
  • The next step is to Create your Admin Account, here you must enter your personal information  and login information. Leave the Encryption Key field empty as the script will generate the key itself for you. To finish the installation click on the Continue button.

The installation of Magento is successfully done. Note down the encryption key as it will be used by Magento to encrypt passwords, credit cards and much more.

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